Previous CloneSet | Next CloneSet | Back to Main Report |
Clone Mass | Clones in CloneSet | Parameter Count | Clone Similarity | Syntax Category [Sequence Length] |
63 | 3 | 4 | 0.985 | type_declarations |
Clone Abstraction | Parameter Bindings |
Clone Instance (Click to see clone) | Line Count | Source Line | Source File |
1 | 64 | 26 | plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/ui/wizards/ |
2 | 63 | 26 | plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/ui/wizards/ |
3 | 63 | 26 | plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/ui/wizards/ |
| ||||
public class NewAnnotationCreationWizard extends NewElementWizard { private NewAnnotationWizardPage fPage; public NewAnnotationCreationWizard(NewAnnotationWizardPage page) { setDefaultPageImageDescriptor(JavaPluginImages.DESC_WIZBAN_NEWANNOT); setDialogSettings(JavaPlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings()); setWindowTitle(NewWizardMessages.NewAnnotationCreationWizard_title); fPage = page; } public NewAnnotationCreationWizard() { this(null); } /* * @see Wizard#addPages */ public void addPages() { super.addPages(); if (fPage == null) { fPage = new NewAnnotationWizardPage(); fPage.init(getSelection()); } addPage(fPage); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.NewElementWizard#canRunForked() */ protected boolean canRunForked() { return !fPage.isEnclosingTypeSelected(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.NewElementWizard#finishPage(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ protected void finishPage(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException, CoreException { fPage.createType(monitor); // use the full progress monitor } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizard#performFinish() */ public boolean performFinish() { warnAboutTypeCommentDeprecation(); boolean res = super.performFinish(); if (res) { IResource resource = fPage.getModifiedResource(); if (resource != null) { selectAndReveal(resource); openResource((IFile) resource); } } return res; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.NewElementWizard#getCreatedElement() */ public IJavaElement getCreatedElement() { return fPage.getCreatedType(); } } |
| ||||
public class NewClassCreationWizard extends NewElementWizard { private NewClassWizardPage fPage; public NewClassCreationWizard(NewClassWizardPage page) { setDefaultPageImageDescriptor(JavaPluginImages.DESC_WIZBAN_NEWCLASS); setDialogSettings(JavaPlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings()); setWindowTitle(NewWizardMessages.NewClassCreationWizard_title); fPage = page; } public NewClassCreationWizard() { this(null); } /* * @see Wizard#createPages */ public void addPages() { super.addPages(); if (fPage == null) { fPage = new NewClassWizardPage(); fPage.init(getSelection()); } addPage(fPage); } /*(non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.NewElementWizard#canRunForked() */ protected boolean canRunForked() { return !fPage.isEnclosingTypeSelected(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.NewElementWizard#finishPage(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ protected void finishPage(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException, CoreException { fPage.createType(monitor); // use the full progress monitor } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizard#performFinish() */ public boolean performFinish() { warnAboutTypeCommentDeprecation(); boolean res = super.performFinish(); if (res) { IResource resource = fPage.getModifiedResource(); if (resource != null) { selectAndReveal(resource); openResource((IFile) resource); } } return res; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.NewElementWizard#getCreatedElement() */ public IJavaElement getCreatedElement() { return fPage.getCreatedType(); } } |
| ||||
public class NewInterfaceCreationWizard extends NewElementWizard { private NewInterfaceWizardPage fPage; public NewInterfaceCreationWizard(NewInterfaceWizardPage page) { setDefaultPageImageDescriptor(JavaPluginImages.DESC_WIZBAN_NEWINT); setDialogSettings(JavaPlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings()); setWindowTitle(NewWizardMessages.NewInterfaceCreationWizard_title); fPage = page; } public NewInterfaceCreationWizard() { this(null); } /* * @see Wizard#addPages */ public void addPages() { super.addPages(); if (fPage == null) { fPage = new NewInterfaceWizardPage(); fPage.init(getSelection()); } addPage(fPage); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.NewElementWizard#canRunForked() */ protected boolean canRunForked() { return !fPage.isEnclosingTypeSelected(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.NewElementWizard#finishPage(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ protected void finishPage(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException, CoreException { fPage.createType(monitor); // use the full progress monitor } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizard#performFinish() */ public boolean performFinish() { warnAboutTypeCommentDeprecation(); boolean res = super.performFinish(); if (res) { IResource resource = fPage.getModifiedResource(); if (resource != null) { selectAndReveal(resource); openResource((IFile) resource); } } return res; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.NewElementWizard#getCreatedElement() */ public IJavaElement getCreatedElement() { return fPage.getCreatedType(); } } |
| |||
public class [[#variablec1196fa0]]extends NewElementWizard { private [[#variablec239fba0]] fPage; public [[#variablec1196fa0]]( [[#variablec239fba0]] page) { setDefaultPageImageDescriptor(JavaPluginImages. [[#variablec239fb20]]); setDialogSettings(JavaPlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings()); setWindowTitle(NewWizardMessages. [[#variablec1196f00]]); fPage = page; } public [[#variablec1196fa0]]() { this(null); } /* * @see Wizard#addPages */ /* * @see Wizard#createPages */ public void addPages() { super.addPages(); if (fPage == null) { fPage = new [[#variablec239fba0]](); fPage.init(getSelection()); } addPage(fPage); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.NewElementWizard#canRunForked() */ /*(non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.NewElementWizard#canRunForked() */ protected boolean canRunForked() { return !fPage.isEnclosingTypeSelected(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.NewElementWizard#finishPage(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ protected void finishPage(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException, CoreException { fPage.createType(monitor); // use the full progress monitor } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizard#performFinish() */ public boolean performFinish() { warnAboutTypeCommentDeprecation(); boolean res = super.performFinish(); if (res) { IResource resource = fPage.getModifiedResource(); if (resource != null) { selectAndReveal(resource); openResource((IFile) resource); } } return res; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.NewElementWizard#getCreatedElement() */ public IJavaElement getCreatedElement() { return fPage.getCreatedType(); } } |
CloneAbstraction |
Parameter Index | Clone Instance | Parameter Name | Value |
1 | 1 | [[#c1196fa0]] | NewInterfaceCreationWizard |
1 | 2 | [[#c1196fa0]] | NewClassCreationWizard |
1 | 3 | [[#c1196fa0]] | NewAnnotationCreationWizard |
2 | 1 | [[#c239fba0]] | NewInterfaceWizardPage |
2 | 2 | [[#c239fba0]] | NewClassWizardPage |
2 | 3 | [[#c239fba0]] | NewAnnotationWizardPage |
3 | 1 | [[#c239fb20]] | DESC_WIZBAN_NEWINT |
3 | 2 | [[#c239fb20]] | DESC_WIZBAN_NEWCLASS |
3 | 3 | [[#c239fb20]] | DESC_WIZBAN_NEWANNOT |
4 | 1 | [[#c1196f00]] | NewInterfaceCreationWizard_title |
4 | 2 | [[#c1196f00]] | NewClassCreationWizard_title |
4 | 3 | [[#c1196f00]] | NewAnnotationCreationWizard_title |