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Clone Mass | Clones in CloneSet | Parameter Count | Clone Similarity | Syntax Category [Sequence Length] |
287 | 2 | 5 | 0.961 | SourceElements[16] |
Clone Abstraction | Parameter Bindings |
Clone Instance (Click to see clone) | Line Count | Source Line | Source File |
1 | 282 | 296 | Closure/closure/goog/i18n/numberformat.js |
2 | 287 | 262 | Closure/closure/goog/locale/numberformat.js |
| ||||
/** * Formats a Number to produce a string. * * @param {number} number The Number to be formatted. * @return {string} The formatted number string. */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.prototype.format= function (number){ if (isNaN(number)) { return goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols.NAN; } var parts= [ ]; // in icu code, it is commented that certain computation need to keep the // negative sign for 0. var isNegative= number< 0.0 || number== 0.0 && 1/ number< 0.0; parts.push(isNegative ? this.negativePrefix_ : this.positivePrefix_); if (!isFinite(number)) { parts.push(goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols.INFINITY); } else { // convert number to non-negative value number *= isNegative ? -1 : 1; number *= this.multiplier_; this.useExponentialNotation_? this.subformatExponential_(number, parts): this.subformatFixed_(number, this.minimumIntegerDigits_, parts); } parts.push(isNegative ? this.negativeSuffix_ : this.positiveSuffix_); return parts.join(''); } ; /** * Formats a Number in fraction format. * * @param {number} number Value need to be formated. * @param {number} minIntDigits Minimum integer digits. * @param {Array} parts This array holds the pieces of formatted string. * This function will add its formatted pieces to the array. * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.prototype.subformatFixed_= function (number, minIntDigits, parts){ // round the number var power= Math.pow(10, this.maximumFractionDigits_); number= Math.round(number* power); var intValue= Math.floor(number/ power); var fracValue= Math.floor(number- intValue* power); var fractionPresent= this.minimumFractionDigits_> 0 || fracValue> 0; var intPart= ''; var translatableInt= intValue; while (translatableInt> 1E20) { // here it goes beyond double precision, add '0' make it look better intPart= '0'+ intPart; translatableInt= Math.round(translatableInt/ 10); } intPart= translatableInt+ intPart; var decimal= goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols.DECIMAL_SEP; var grouping= goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols.GROUP_SEP; var zeroCode= goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols.ZERO_DIGIT.charCodeAt(0); var digitLen= intPart.length; if (intValue> 0 || minIntDigits> 0) { for (var i= digitLen; i< minIntDigits; i++) { parts.push(goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols.ZERO_DIGIT); } for (var i= 0; i< digitLen; i++) { parts.push(String.fromCharCode(zeroCode+ intPart.charAt(i)* 1)); if (digitLen- i> 1 && this.groupingSize_> 0 &&((digitLen- i)% this.groupingSize_== 1)) { parts.push(grouping); } } } else if (!fractionPresent) { // If there is no fraction present, and we haven't printed any // integer digits, then print a zero. parts.push(goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols.ZERO_DIGIT); } // Output the decimal separator if we always do so. if (this.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown_ || fractionPresent) { parts.push(decimal); } var fracPart= ''+ (fracValue+ power); var fracLen= fracPart.length; while (fracPart.charAt(fracLen- 1)== '0' &&fracLen> this.minimumFractionDigits_+ 1) { fracLen--; } for (var i= 1; i< fracLen; i++) { parts.push(String.fromCharCode(zeroCode+ fracPart.charAt(i)* 1)); } } ; /** * Formats exponent part of a Number. * * @param {number} exponent Exponential value. * @param {Array.<string>} parts The array that holds the pieces of formatted * string. This function will append more formatted pieces to the array. * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.prototype.addExponentPart_= function (exponent, parts){ parts.push(goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols.EXP_SYMBOL); if (exponent< 0) { exponent= -exponent; parts.push(goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols.MINUS_SIGN); } var exponentDigits= ''+ exponent; for (var i= exponentDigits.length; i< this.minExponentDigits_; i++) { parts.push(goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols.ZERO_DIGIT); } parts.push(exponentDigits); } ; /** * Formats Number in exponential format. * * @param {number} number Value need to be formated. * @param {Array.<string>} parts The array that holds the pieces of formatted * string. This function will append more formatted pieces to the array. * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.prototype.subformatExponential_= function (number, parts){ if (number== 0.0) { this.subformatFixed_(number, this.minimumIntegerDigits_, parts); this.addExponentPart_(0, parts); return; } var exponent= Math.floor(Math.log(number)/ Math.log(10)); number /= Math.pow(10, exponent); var minIntDigits= this.minimumIntegerDigits_; if (this.maximumIntegerDigits_> 1 &&this.maximumIntegerDigits_> this.minimumIntegerDigits_) { // A repeating range is defined; adjust to it as follows. // If repeat == 3, we have 6,5,4=>3; 3,2,1=>0; 0,-1,-2=>-3; // -3,-4,-5=>-6, etc. This takes into account that the // exponent we have here is off by one from what we expect; // it is for the format 0.MMMMMx10^n. while ((exponent% this.maximumIntegerDigits_)!= 0) { number *= 10; exponent--; } minIntDigits= 1; } else { // No repeating range is defined; use minimum integer digits. if (this.minimumIntegerDigits_< 1) { exponent++; number /= 10; } else { exponent-= this.minimumIntegerDigits_- 1; number *= Math.pow(10, this.minimumIntegerDigits_- 1); } } this.subformatFixed_(number, minIntDigits, parts); this.addExponentPart_(exponent, parts); } ; /** * Returns the digit value of current character. The character could be either * '0' to '9', or a locale specific digit. * * @param {string} ch Character that represents a digit. * @return {number} The digit value, or -1 on error. * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.prototype.getDigit_= function (ch){ var code= ch.charCodeAt(0); // between '0' to '9' if (48<= code && code< 58) { return code- 48; } else { var zeroCode= goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols.ZERO_DIGIT.charCodeAt(0); return zeroCode<= code && code< zeroCode+ 10 ? code- zeroCode : -1; } } ; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // CONSTANTS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants for characters used in programmatic (unlocalized) patterns. /** * A zero digit character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.PATTERN_ZERO_DIGIT_= '0'; /** * A grouping separator character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.PATTERN_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_= ','; /** * A decimal separator character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.PATTERN_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_= '.'; /** * A per mille character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.PATTERN_PER_MILLE_= '‰'; /** * A percent character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.PATTERN_PERCENT_= '%'; /** * A digit character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.PATTERN_DIGIT_= '#'; /** * A separator character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.PATTERN_SEPARATOR_= ';'; /** * An exponent character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.PATTERN_EXPONENT_= 'E'; /** * A minus character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.PATTERN_MINUS_= '-'; /** * A quote character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.PATTERN_CURRENCY_SIGN_= '¤'; /** * A quote character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.i18n.NumberFormat.QUOTE_= '\''; |
| ||||
/** * Formats a Number to produce a string. * * @param {number} number The Number to be formatted. * @return {string} The formatted number string. * @deprecated Use goog.i18n.NumberFormat.prototype.format. */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.prototype.format= function (number){ if (isNaN(number)) { return this.symbols_.NAN; } var parts= [ ]; // in icu code, it is commented that certain computation need to keep the // negative sign for 0. var isNegative= number< 0.0 || number== 0.0 && 1/ number< 0.0; parts.push(isNegative ? this.negativePrefix_ : this.positivePrefix_); if (!isFinite(number)) { parts.push(this.symbols_.INFINITY); } else { // convert number to non-negative value number *= isNegative ? -1 : 1; number *= this.multiplier_; this.useExponentialNotation_? this.subformatExponential_(number, parts): this.subformatFixed_(number, this.minimumIntegerDigits_, parts); } parts.push(isNegative ? this.negativeSuffix_ : this.positiveSuffix_); return parts.join(''); } ; /** * Formats a Number in fraction format. * * @param {number} number Value need to be formated. * @param {number} minIntDigits Minimum integer digits. * @param {Array} parts This array holds the pieces of formatted string. * This function will add its formatted pieces to the array. * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.prototype.subformatFixed_= function (number, minIntDigits, parts){ // round the number var power= Math.pow(10, this.maximumFractionDigits_); number= Math.round(number* power); var intValue= Math.floor(number/ power); var fracValue= Math.floor(number- intValue* power); var fractionPresent= this.minimumFractionDigits_> 0 || fracValue> 0; var intPart= ''; var translatableInt= intValue; while (translatableInt> 1E20) { // here it goes beyond double precision, add '0' make it look better intPart= '0'+ intPart; translatableInt= Math.round(translatableInt/ 10); } intPart= translatableInt+ intPart; var decimal= this.isCurrencyFormat_ ? this.symbols_.MONETARY_SEP : this.symbols_.DECIMAL_SEP; var grouping= this.isCurrencyFormat_ ? this.symbols_.MONETARY_GROUP_SEP : this.symbols_.GROUP_SEP; var zeroCode= this.symbols_.ZERO_DIGIT.charCodeAt(0); var digitLen= intPart.length; if (intValue> 0 || minIntDigits> 0) { for (var i= digitLen; i< minIntDigits; i++) { parts.push(this.symbols_.ZERO_DIGIT); } for (var i= 0; i< digitLen; i++) { parts.push(String.fromCharCode(zeroCode+ intPart.charAt(i)* 1)); if (digitLen- i> 1 && this.groupingSize_> 0 &&((digitLen- i)% this.groupingSize_== 1)) { parts.push(grouping); } } } else if (!fractionPresent) { // If there is no fraction present, and we haven't printed any // integer digits, then print a zero. parts.push(this.symbols_.ZERO_DIGIT); } // Output the decimal separator if we always do so. if (this.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown_ || fractionPresent) { parts.push(decimal); } var fracPart= ''+ (fracValue+ power); var fracLen= fracPart.length; while (fracPart.charAt(fracLen- 1)== '0' &&fracLen> this.minimumFractionDigits_+ 1) { fracLen--; } for (var i= 1; i< fracLen; i++) { parts.push(String.fromCharCode(zeroCode+ fracPart.charAt(i)* 1)); } } ; /** * Formats exponent part of a Number. * * @param {number} exponent exponential value. * @param {Array} parts This array holds the pieces of formatted string. * This function will add its formatted pieces to the array. * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.prototype.addExponentPart_= function (exponent, parts){ parts.push(this.symbols_.EXP_SYMBOL); if (exponent< 0) { exponent= -exponent; parts.push(this.symbols_.MINUS_SIGN); } var exponentDigits= ''+ exponent; for (var i= exponentDigits.length; i< this.minExponentDigits_; i++) { parts.push(this.symbols_.ZERO_DIGIT); } parts.push(exponentDigits); } ; /** * Formats Number in exponential format. * * @param {number} number Value need to be formated. * @param {Array} parts This array holds the pieces of formatted string. * This function will add its formatted pieces to the array. * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.prototype.subformatExponential_= function (number, parts){ if (number== 0.0) { this.subformatFixed_(number, this.minimumIntegerDigits_, parts); this.addExponentPart_(0, parts); return; } var exponent= Math.floor(Math.log(number)/ Math.log(10)); number /= Math.pow(10, exponent); var minIntDigits= this.minimumIntegerDigits_; if (this.maximumIntegerDigits_> 1 &&this.maximumIntegerDigits_> this.minimumIntegerDigits_) { // A repeating range is defined; adjust to it as follows. // If repeat == 3, we have 6,5,4=>3; 3,2,1=>0; 0,-1,-2=>-3; // -3,-4,-5=>-6, etc. This takes into account that the // exponent we have here is off by one from what we expect; // it is for the format 0.MMMMMx10^n. while ((exponent% this.maximumIntegerDigits_)!= 0) { number *= 10; exponent--; } minIntDigits= 1; } else { // No repeating range is defined; use minimum integer digits. if (this.minimumIntegerDigits_< 1) { exponent++; number /= 10; } else { exponent-= this.minimumIntegerDigits_- 1; number *= Math.pow(10, this.minimumIntegerDigits_- 1); } } this.subformatFixed_(number, minIntDigits, parts); this.addExponentPart_(exponent, parts); } ; /** * Returns the digit value of current character. The character could be either * '0' to '9', or a locale specific digit. * * @param {string} ch Character that represents a digit. * @return {number} The digit value, or -1 on error. * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.prototype.getDigit_= function (ch){ var code= ch.charCodeAt(0); // between '0' to '9' if (48<= code && code< 58) { return code- 48; } else { var zeroCode= this.symbols_.ZERO_DIGIT.charCodeAt(0); return zeroCode<= code && code< zeroCode+ 10 ? code- zeroCode : -1; } } ; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // CONSTANTS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants for characters used in programmatic (unlocalized) patterns. /** * A zero digit character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.PATTERN_ZERO_DIGIT_= '0'; /** * A grouping separator character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.PATTERN_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_= ','; /** * A decimal separator character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.PATTERN_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_= '.'; /** * A per mille character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.PATTERN_PER_MILLE_= '‰'; /** * A percent character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.PATTERN_PERCENT_= '%'; /** * A digit character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.PATTERN_DIGIT_= '#'; /** * A separator character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.PATTERN_SEPARATOR_= ';'; /** * An exponent character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.PATTERN_EXPONENT_= 'E'; /** * A minus character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.PATTERN_MINUS_= '-'; /** * A quote character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.PATTERN_CURRENCY_SIGN_= '¤'; /** * A quote character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.locale.NumberFormat.QUOTE_= '\''; |
| |||
/** * Formats a Number to produce a string. * * @param {number} number The Number to be formatted. * @return {string} The formatted number string. * @deprecated Use goog.i18n.NumberFormat.prototype.format. */ /** * Formats a Number to produce a string. * * @param {number} number The Number to be formatted. * @return {string} The formatted number string. */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.prototype.format= function (number) { if (isNaN(number)) { return [[#variable20f2ba00]]. [[#variable20f2b760]].NAN; } var parts=[ ]; // in icu code, it is commented that certain computation need to keep the // negative sign for 0. var isNegative=number<0.0 || number==0.0 && 1/number<0.0; parts.push(isNegative ?this.negativePrefix_ : this.positivePrefix_); if (!isFinite(number)) { parts.push( [[#variable20f2ba00]]. [[#variable20f2b760]].INFINITY); } else { // convert number to non-negative value number *= isNegative ?-1 : 1; number *= this.multiplier_; this.useExponentialNotation_? this.subformatExponential_(number,parts): this.subformatFixed_(number,this.minimumIntegerDigits_,parts); } parts.push(isNegative ?this.negativeSuffix_ : this.positiveSuffix_); return parts.join(''); } ; /** * Formats a Number in fraction format. * * @param {number} number Value need to be formated. * @param {number} minIntDigits Minimum integer digits. * @param {Array} parts This array holds the pieces of formatted string. * This function will add its formatted pieces to the array. * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.prototype.subformatFixed_= function (number,minIntDigits,parts) { // round the number var power=Math.pow(10,this.maximumFractionDigits_); number=Math.round(number*power); var intValue=Math.floor(number/power); var fracValue=Math.floor(number-intValue*power); var fractionPresent=this.minimumFractionDigits_>0 || fracValue>0; var intPart=''; var translatableInt=intValue; while (translatableInt>1E20) { // here it goes beyond double precision, add '0' make it look better intPart='0'+intPart; translatableInt=Math.round(translatableInt/10); } intPart=translatableInt+intPart; var decimal= [[#variable414b0320]]; var grouping= [[#variable20f2b380]]; var zeroCode= [[#variable20f2ba00]]. [[#variable20f2b760]].ZERO_DIGIT.charCodeAt(0); var digitLen=intPart.length; if (intValue>0 || minIntDigits>0) { for (var i=digitLen; i<minIntDigits; i++) { parts.push( [[#variable20f2ba00]]. [[#variable20f2b760]].ZERO_DIGIT); } for (var i=0; i<digitLen; i++) { parts.push(String.fromCharCode(zeroCode+intPart.charAt(i)*1)); if (digitLen-i>1 && this.groupingSize_>0 && ((digitLen-i)%this.groupingSize_==1)) { parts.push(grouping); } } } else if (!fractionPresent) { // If there is no fraction present, and we haven't printed any // integer digits, then print a zero. parts.push( [[#variable20f2ba00]]. [[#variable20f2b760]].ZERO_DIGIT); } // Output the decimal separator if we always do so. if (this.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown_ || fractionPresent) { parts.push(decimal); } var fracPart=''+(fracValue+power); var fracLen=fracPart.length; while (fracPart.charAt(fracLen-1)=='0' && fracLen>this.minimumFractionDigits_+1) { fracLen--; } for (var i=1; i<fracLen; i++) { parts.push(String.fromCharCode(zeroCode+fracPart.charAt(i)*1)); } } ; /** * Formats exponent part of a Number. * * @param {number} exponent exponential value. * @param {Array} parts This array holds the pieces of formatted string. * This function will add its formatted pieces to the array. * @private */ /** * Formats exponent part of a Number. * * @param {number} exponent Exponential value. * @param {Array.<string>} parts The array that holds the pieces of formatted * string. This function will append more formatted pieces to the array. * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.prototype.addExponentPart_= function (exponent,parts) { parts.push( [[#variable20f2ba00]]. [[#variable20f2b760]].EXP_SYMBOL); if (exponent<0) { exponent=-exponent; parts.push( [[#variable20f2ba00]]. [[#variable20f2b760]].MINUS_SIGN); } var exponentDigits=''+exponent; for (var i=exponentDigits.length; i<this.minExponentDigits_; i++) { parts.push( [[#variable20f2ba00]]. [[#variable20f2b760]].ZERO_DIGIT); } parts.push(exponentDigits); } ; /** * Formats Number in exponential format. * * @param {number} number Value need to be formated. * @param {Array} parts This array holds the pieces of formatted string. * This function will add its formatted pieces to the array. * @private */ /** * Formats Number in exponential format. * * @param {number} number Value need to be formated. * @param {Array.<string>} parts The array that holds the pieces of formatted * string. This function will append more formatted pieces to the array. * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.prototype.subformatExponential_= function (number,parts) { if (number==0.0) { this.subformatFixed_(number,this.minimumIntegerDigits_,parts); this.addExponentPart_(0,parts); return; } var exponent=Math.floor(Math.log(number)/Math.log(10)); number /= Math.pow(10,exponent); var minIntDigits=this.minimumIntegerDigits_; if (this.maximumIntegerDigits_>1 && this.maximumIntegerDigits_>this.minimumIntegerDigits_) { // A repeating range is defined; adjust to it as follows. // If repeat == 3, we have 6,5,4=>3; 3,2,1=>0; 0,-1,-2=>-3; // -3,-4,-5=>-6, etc. This takes into account that the // exponent we have here is off by one from what we expect; // it is for the format 0.MMMMMx10^n. while ((exponent%this.maximumIntegerDigits_)!=0) { number *= 10; exponent--; } minIntDigits=1; } else { // No repeating range is defined; use minimum integer digits. if (this.minimumIntegerDigits_<1) { exponent++; number /= 10; } else { exponent-=this.minimumIntegerDigits_-1; number *= Math.pow(10,this.minimumIntegerDigits_-1); } } this.subformatFixed_(number,minIntDigits,parts); this.addExponentPart_(exponent,parts); } ; /** * Returns the digit value of current character. The character could be either * '0' to '9', or a locale specific digit. * * @param {string} ch Character that represents a digit. * @return {number} The digit value, or -1 on error. * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.prototype.getDigit_= function (ch) { var code=ch.charCodeAt(0); // between '0' to '9' if (48<=code && code<58) { return code-48; } else { var zeroCode= [[#variable20f2ba00]]. [[#variable20f2b760]].ZERO_DIGIT.charCodeAt(0); return zeroCode<=code && code<zeroCode+10 ?code-zeroCode : -1; } } ; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // CONSTANTS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants for characters used in programmatic (unlocalized) patterns. /** * A zero digit character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.PATTERN_ZERO_DIGIT_='0'; /** * A grouping separator character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.PATTERN_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_=','; /** * A decimal separator character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.PATTERN_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_='.'; /** * A per mille character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.PATTERN_PER_MILLE_='‰'; /** * A percent character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.PATTERN_PERCENT_='%'; /** * A digit character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.PATTERN_DIGIT_='#'; /** * A separator character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.PATTERN_SEPARATOR_=';'; /** * An exponent character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.PATTERN_EXPONENT_='E'; /** * A minus character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.PATTERN_MINUS_='-'; /** * A quote character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.PATTERN_CURRENCY_SIGN_='¤'; /** * A quote character. * @type {string} * @private */ goog. [[#variable20f2ba80]].NumberFormat.QUOTE_='\''; |
CloneAbstraction |
Parameter Index | Clone Instance | Parameter Name | Value |
1 | 1 | [[#20f2ba80]] | locale |
1 | 2 | [[#20f2ba80]] | i18n |
2 | 1 | [[#20f2ba00]] | this |
2 | 2 | [[#20f2ba00]] | goog.i18n |
3 | 1 | [[#20f2b760]] | symbols_ |
3 | 2 | [[#20f2b760]] | NumberFormatSymbols |
4 | 1 | [[#414b0320]] | this.isCurrencyFormat_ ?this.symbols_.MONETARY_SEP : this.symbols_.DECIMAL_SEP |
4 | 2 | [[#414b0320]] | goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols.DECIMAL_SEP |
5 | 1 | [[#20f2b380]] | this.isCurrencyFormat_ ?this.symbols_.MONETARY_GROUP_SEP : this.symbols_.GROUP_SEP |
5 | 2 | [[#20f2b380]] | goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols.GROUP_SEP |